Ceramic microbeads for sandblasting – economical and efficient
10/11/2023 05:10:39

A full-scale surface treatment ceramic sandblasting medium (ceramic sand, ceramic beads, or simply sandblasting, shot peening) mainly composed of zirconia is a solution for surface cleaning, strengthening, and polishing. In addition to effectively improving the fatigue life of metal parts, it can also be used to clean dirt on workpieces. This technology is used in almost all fields that use metal materials, including aerospace, automotive, construction, casting, etc Shipbuilding and railways, etc.

Sandblasting refers to natural or artificial granular materials with cleaning ability that obtain a certain amount of kinetic energy under the driving force of compressed air or water jet. It is necessary to have a detailed understanding of the characteristics of the cleaning object, while taking into account factors such as the pollution status of the workpiece surface, the environmental conditions in which the workpiece is located, and the cleaning requirements for the substrate surface, and to choose a suitable abrasive for shot peening.

During the cleaning process, the selected ceramic sandblasting media are generally silicon carbide and aluminum oxide non-metallic abrasives, with aluminum oxide abrasives being the most commonly used. When selecting alumina based abrasives with different compositions, particle sizes, and shapes for cleaning, surfaces with different roughness can be generated to meet different coating surface requirements. When other conditions are the same, the surface roughness generated increases with the increase of abrasive particle size. Due to differences in the shape and hardness of abrasives, different types of abrasives can also have a certain impact on surface roughness. There are two types of abrasive shapes: spherical and granular. Spherical abrasives are more suitable for surface treatment of materials, improving the distribution of residual compressive stress on the surface, and extending the service life of workpieces; Granular abrasives have sharp edges and stronger cleaning ability, but after removing dirt, they are easy to scratch the workpiece material, resulting in cracks and affecting surface quality.

When selecting the abrasive particle size, it is also important to note that if the abrasive particle size is too large, if it is larger than the size of the concave hole on the workpiece surface, it will be difficult to remove debris from the concave hole, resulting in a decrease in cleaning efficiency; When the particle size is chosen small, the cleaning ability of the abrasive is limited, which will also reduce the cleaning efficiency; If the abrasive particle size is too small, it may also affect the normal operation of the circulation system, cause pipeline blockage, and even cause damage to the water pump.

Inlabs” ceramic beads have outstanding performance in dry or wet sandblasting systems and shot blasting equipment. Relying on strict process control, Inlabs provides customers with a large number of high-quality ceramic sandblasting beads. Our research and development team can customize special shot material specifications for customers based on their specific needs.



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